Eric Karmouch, Ph.D.

Technical Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer

Eric holds a Doctorate in computer science, is a published technical author, a recognized researcher, and a driver of research and innovation in the Ottawa tech hub. Having previously served as the Lead Research Engineer for March Networks, Eric brings 6 years of experience in the video surveillance and business intelligence space as well as a strong technical vision to Robotics Centre.

Eric received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science, from the School of Information Technology and Engineering at the University of Ottawa, and his M.Sc. degree from the School of Computing at Queen’s University.

Eric has served on a number Organizing and Program Committees for international IEEE conferences and has been recognized for his ongoing contributions to the IEEE Ottawa Chapter. He is the founder of the highly successful IEEE Ottawa L&L event brining Ottawa government, academia, and industry together in space to connect, communicate, and collaborate, and was elected to the grade of IEEE Senior Member in 2016.